We provide a universal contract to get you connected to all our carrier partners. We recommend this method as you only have to fill out your information once, select your desired carriers, and we take care of the rest of the process. Then you are good to go!
Alternatively, if you have a SureLC account, let us know and we can quickly get you started. If you prefer, we also provide links to the individual contracts by carrier. Select your preferred contracting option below, or set up a meeting if you'd like assistance getting started.
Follow the instructions in the packet. Please complete all fields & questions on the form and ensure you attach a canceled check and your E&O certificate.
Return the completed contract to Southwest Annuities Marketing by:
A. Fax to 623.463.2336 - or -
B. Scan and email the completed packet to your Relationship Manager or contractsubmission@SAMBrokerage.com
Download the Contract below.
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded free here).